Research Teams

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Team “Experimental neurosurgery”
equipe neurologie expérimentale
Team leader(s)
Brian LAU PhD, CR1, CNRS
Carine KARACHI MD, PhD,MCU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP
Basal ganglia, neurosurgery, movements disorders Main domain: Neurophysiology Subdomain: Clinical & translational neurosciences Brain LAU & Carine KARACHI’s team aims to characterize the subcortico-cortical anatomy and physiology of brainnetworks involved in motor control, with the long-term goal of developing new therapies including novel applications of deep brain stimulation (DBS). For more information
Team “Repair in Multiple Sclerosis: from biology to clinical translation “
Equipe "La remyélinisation dans la sclérose en plaque : de la biologie à la translation clinique"
Team leader(s)
Catherine LUBETZKI MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP
Bruno STANKOFF MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP
Repair Main domain: Cellular & molecular neuroscience Subdomain : Clinical & translational neuroscience Catherine LUBETZKI & Bruno STANKOFFs team aims to tackle the mechanisms of CNS myelin repair through complementary approaches and expertise in Multiple sclerosis and demyelinating disorders. For more information
Team “Experimental therapeutics of Parkinson’s disease”
Team leader(s)
Stephane HUNOT PhD, DR2, CNRS
Physiopathology of neurogical disorders Main domain: Cellular & molecular neuroscience For more information
Team “Frontal functions and pathology”
Team leader(s)
Richard LEVY MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne university, AP-HP
Connectivity: frontal parietal,temporal and frontal-subcortical networks Main domain: Cognition Subdomain : Clinical & translational neurosciences The activities of the FRONTLAB team is a true collective research structured in 4 main tracks, all focused on the anatomical and functional organisation of the frontal lobes and associated networks for higher-order cognition in health and disease. The first track (human cognition) studies on how the human brain generates and valuates creative ideas. Computational modeling combined with cognitive tasks, neuroimaging, intraoperative recordings of brain activity in awake surgery and noninvasive brain stimulation are applied to investigate interaction between the processes of generating new ideas and those required to evaluate their appropriateness and originality. The second track (human behaviour), addresses how goal-directed behaviour is generated and what are the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying abnormally expressed goal directed behaviours, in particular, disinhibition and apathy). Our approach relies on classical approaches combined with the analysis of human behaviour in close to real-life situations using simulated scenarios in the lab or wired tracking devices at home. The third track (human brain organisation), investigates at the network level the causal structural and neurophysiological basis of cognitive functions and their impairments in healthy individuals and neurosurgical patients. It also addresses the characterization of activity states subtending the allocation, control and transient loss of sustained attention and its modulation with invasive and non-invasive brain stimulation technologies. The fourth track (“bench to bedside”) is a translational clinical program aiming to characterize genetic, molecular, neurophysiological and anatomical impairments leading to neuropsychiatric symptoms impacting frontal networks or explaining disease vulnerability. Multimodal approaches are applied to phenotype large cohorts of FTLD patients and on such basis contain their progression or reverse its symptoms with or molecular approaches or non-invasive brain stimulation (rTMS, tDCS, tACS). New website : For more information
Team “Physiological investigation of clinically normal and impaired cognition”
equipe neurologie expérimentale
Team leader(s)
Laurent COHEN MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP
Lionel NACCACHE MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP
Main domain: Cognition Subdomain :  Clinical & translational neuroscience Laurent Cohen, Lionel Naccache & Paolo Bartolomeo’s team explores the neural bases of cognitive functions in humans. They work with both healthy and brain-damaged persons, using behavioral methods and a full panel of brain imaging techniques (anatomical, functional and diffusion-based MRI, EEG, MEG, intracerebral recordings). For more information
Team “Algorithms, Models and Methods for Images and Signals of the Human Brain ”
equipe Equipe Aramis - modeles numériques des maladies du cerveau
Team leader(s)
Methodology and neuroimaging Main domain: Clinical & translational neurosciences Olivier COLLIOT & Stanley DURRLEMAN’s team, the ARAMIS team aims to build numerical models of brain diseases from multimodal patient data based on the development of specific data-driven approaches.   The main research axes are
  • Integrate multimodal neuroimaging data (PET, microstructure, ASL) to fully characterize alterations
  • Model the temporal dynamics of disease
  • Model brain networks
  • Integrate imaging with other types of data (in particular omics and clinical data)
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Team “Dynamics of Epileptic Networks and Neuronal Excitability”
equipe "Excitabilité cellulaire et dynamiques des réseaux neuronaux"
Team leader(s)
Stephane CHARPIER PhD, PU,Sorbonne university
Vincent NAVARRO MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne university, AP-HP
Dynamics and physiopathology of neural networks, epilepsy Main domain: Neurophysiology Subdomain : Clinical & translational neurosciences Our team investigates the pathophysiological processes making the brain epileptic (epileptogenesis) and how the mechanisms responsible for the occurrence of seizures (ictogenesis). These two dimensions of epileptic diseases are explored using a translational and multiscale strategy: from validated animal models to clinical semiology and from single neurons to large scale networks. Specifically, the research includes in vivo EEG and cell recordings from both human epileptic patients and animal models exhibiting spontaneous (genetic models) or provoked (drugs or stimulation-induced) seizures. For more information
Team “Basic to translational neurogenetics”
"Neurogénétique fondamentale et translationnelle"
Team leader(s)
Alexandra DURR MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne university-AP-HP

Physiopathology of neurological disorders Main domain : Cellular & molecular neurosciences Subdomain : Clinical & translational neurosciences

Alexandra DURR’s team focus on neurogenetic diseases, spinocerebellar degenerations – SCD (spastic paraplegias and cerebellar ataxias), frontotemporal lobar degenerations – FTLD and Huntington disease. These rare conditions share clinical, genetic and functional characteristics but are extremely heterogeneous both in molecular and clinical aspects.

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Team “ALS : causes and mechanisms of motor neuron degeneration”
Team leader(s)
Main domain : Cellular & molecular neurosciences Subdomain : Clinical & translational neurosciences Séverine BOILLEE’s team investigates mechanisms of motor neuron (MN) degeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) resulting from pathological interactions between MNs and microglia/macrophages to find therapeutically promising pathways to slow disease progression through two main aims: For more information
Team “Neurophysiology of Repetitive Behaviors”
Team leader(s)
Adaptive Behavior, Cortico - Basal Ganglia circuits, DBS/Optogenetic Main domain: Neurophysiology Subdomain : Cognition Eric BURGUIERE’s team aims to implement an ambitious translational approach to characterize neurofunctional basis of normal and pathological repetitive behaviors. The main focus of the team is to study neurophysiological dynamics underlying the automatization of motivated behaviours and its contextual adaptation. The team has access to both patients and animal models suffering from pathological repetitive behaviors. For more information