Head injuries: causes, biological mechanisms, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Every year in France, around 150,000 people suffer a head injury. Of these, 45,000 (30%) are admitted to hospital with brain damage resulting from the impact. The average age of victims is 27 for women and 32 for men.
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The causes and biological mechanisms of cranial trauma

Head injuries are most often caused by falls, road accidents, assaults or sporting activities.

Damage to the brain as a result of these injuries is a frequent cause of disability, and it is estimated that 3% of people with head injuries die each year, i.e. around 4,500 people.


Symptoms and diagnosis of head injuries

There are many symptoms of head trauma: headaches, nausea and vomiting, and various neurological disorders such as loss of feeling, loss of motor skills or aphasia, drowsiness or visual problems.

A number of tests are carried out to diagnose a head injury, including a neurological examination based on the Glasgow criteria and a computer tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan if a brain lesion is suspected.


Treatment of head injuries

Treatment depends on the severity of the injury, ranging from simple monitoring to surgery.

In some cases, rehabilitation is necessary to enable patients to recover their motor and cognitive functions.


Last updated May 2024.