Thanks to the IHU program, the institute now benefits from a critical of talented researchers and clinicians and from cutting-edge technological core facilities.
From research to care: an accelerator of innovation
iPEPS: Since 2015, incubated companies, all of which collaborate with Paris Brain Institute teams, have raised more than 160 M€ and created 300 job and brought 5 products to market.
More than 1000 research agreements with socio-economic partners, 40% of which are international, generated 76M€ of revenue on the 2010-2017 period as reviewed and audited under the Institut Carnot label, unique to Paris Brain Institute among all IHUs. In addition, >20 proprietary know-hows were valorized and generate a yearly revenue of 700-900K€. Fifty-six patent applications were filed and 7 exclusive licenses were executed.
A partnership on digital healthcare with Station F, Europe largest start-up campus.
300 R&D partnetships, 56 patents.
9 Spin-offs created including the medday success storie.
Prescripteur French Tech Seed label from the Banque Publique d’Investissement (BPI).
From research to care: a new bridge
NEUROTRIALS: A new program with the aim to accelerate “early” clinical research on new drug and medical technology.
More than 170 clinical studies ongoing, 50% performed in the Neurology Clinic and 50% at Paris Brain Institute’s Clinical Investigation Center, 30% with industrial partnership.
cLLAPS Living-Lab: Created in 2016, this structure brings together patients, medical staff, engineers and entrepreneurs to brainstorm new solutions for real-life need. cLLAPS has helped develop up to now more than fifteen prototypes available to patients.
iCRIN : 13 Clinical research in neuroscience infrastructures labeled by Paris Brain Institute and AP-HP
Cap Neuro Pole: Fusion between neurology and psychiatry lead to a behavioural neuro-psychiatry unit and the creation of a neurological disability coordination hub. Over 1,200 inpatients have been admitted, and over 5,000 outpatient consultations made. UNPC is involved in more than 15 clinical research projects in collaboration with Paris Brain Institute teams.
57 cohorts or registries are currently in place with a collection of more than 200,000 biosamples and 500 brains.
From talents recruitment and collaboration to strides
11 new teams recruited trough international call.
50% of international post-docs (more than 40 nationalities).
Scientific alliances with best universities (MIT, Stanford, Yale, UCSF, UCL).
Since 2012, Paris Brain Institute scientists have published 2700 articles, with 164 in the top 1%, and 744 in the top 10% most cited. Publications in the Top1% most cited category rose from 4.1% to 5.5%, and from 21.7% to 28.7% in the Top 10% in the current (2012-2017) period relative to the previous benchmark (2007- 2013). Today, Paris Brain Institute ranks 2nd world-wide in the field of Neurology.
From excellence to competitive grants and philantropic support
60 Million euros from competitive grants since 2012.
2 major international awards of 1,5Millions dollars.
11 European Research Council (ERC) grants.
Paris Brain Institute has hosted/managed 11 ERC grants + 3 POC as a coordinator and 14 H2020 collaborative grants and is a leader of one Innovative Training Networks (ITN, Zenith 4M€) and a partner of one ITN (Gliotrain).
100% Increase in fund raising since 2012.
Capital Campain 2008-2013 – 55 Million euros.
Capital Campain 2014-2018 – 71 Million euros.
700 high donors and 193.000 classics since 2013.
From technology to scientific breaktroughts: core facilities of excellence
10 core facilities, which enable exploration of the brain from molecule to cells and individuals including Biobanks and a neuroinformatics center.
Investment of 20 Million euros in very high-level equipment and staff.
Acquisition of a PET-MRI dedicated to both research and care.
Since 2015, PRISME has hosted 76 studies (>800 participants) conducted by a dozen teams.
The Neuro-informatics center gathers 200+ users and runs ~50 projects per year primarily in omics data processing and statistical analysis of multimodal and high-dimensional data. These activities have yielded 24 co-authored publications and 80+ further articles in which the facilities within the center were acknowledged.
From now to future: passing down knowledge
The Brain to Market Summer School: Four editions have been organized to date with 288 participants from 13 different countries.
In 2017, iMIND was awarded a SU FormInnov grant for innovative international training.
Paramedical training to imprint a culture of research on clinical departments.
The MOVE has trained 2100 students in 6 years, and two tournaments with 60 students from 4 international universities were organized.
From a nimble governance to a rigouros and innovative research
A mixed public and private board of directors driving a disruptive scientific strategy.
A business vision of Paris Brain Institute activities to be efficient and drive risky projects.
An ethic and deontology committee to support Paris Brain Institute teams in order to drive an ethic research and to apply deontologic rules associated to trades wich contribute to its production.
A gender equity committee to promote scientific women and achieve an equal parity.