“iPEPS” stands for bioincubator of enterprises Paris-Salpêtrière. It is the first accelerator of innovation dedicated to brain diseases in France, andhas hosted more than fifty startups since its creation. . iPEPS – The Healthtech Hub opened its doors in 2012 and houses companies engaged in a strong partnership with the Paris Brain Institute. This incubator offers a unique environment, thanks to more than 700researchers and physicians present in the Institute, and thanks to the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, the largest neurological hospital in France (more than 90000 patients per year). iPEPS aims at accelerating the transformation of ideas into products, by furnishing an ideal context for the development of breakthrough projects. Since 2017, the Paris Brain Institute and its incubator has been the first healthcare partner of STATION F, the largest campus dedicated to startups in the world. In 2021, iPEPS opened a new acceleration space dedicated to medical technologies and artificial intelligence
iPEPS – the Healthtech Hub is more precisely:
§ 2500 m2 of office space/laboratories
§ 3 acceleration spaces dedicated to biotechnology, medical technologies and digital health
§ Indivdualized secured space
§ Access to 7000 m2 of cutting-edge core facilities (cellular imagery, human neuroimagery, histology, lentiviral transgenesis, molecular biology, etc.)
§ Access to the Clinical Investigation Centre (1200 m2)
§ Access to the equipment of the building (meeting rooms, video conferencing, cafeteria, etc.)
iPEPS furnishes business support for the incubated enterprises, thanks to a team of science-business experts with strong competencies in networking for implantation in Europe and a cell dedicated to the preparation of responses to calls for projects and grant requests.
iPEPS hosts enterprises developing new drugs as well others specialized in medical technologies, as for example reading headsets and EEG (electrical brain waves) analyses. The structure also host start-ups developing new diagnostic solutions in order to treat the patients earlier, or tools for “connected health” like the video games that help maintain the autonomy of elderly persons… There again, openness is a source of potential partnerships and creativity at the service of patients.