Care Lab, the Paris Brain Institute Living Lab

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Care Lab places the users of the care chain at the centre of medical innovations to develop new, innovative and scalable products or services for patients and healthcare professionals.


Care Lab, specialised in neurology and psychiatry, was created in 2015 by the Paris Brain Institute and APHP and is located at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital. Its goal is to imagine, co-design, prototype, and test on the field innovations (technologies, products, services) to meet concrete needs.


Care Lab is dedicated to patients and the medical profession by closely involving them in the efficient development of innovations, from idea generation to market launch.


Care Lab also aims to support start-ups in their development. We work closely with iPEPS, the Paris Brain Institute’s incubator, to offer services with a UX* methodology, to co-design products with the users, allowing access to our field, at the heart of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital.


*User experience

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