Research Teams

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Team “Myelin plasticity and regeneration”
Team leader(s)
Repair Main domain: Cellular & molecular neurosciences Subdomain : Clinical & translational neurosciences Brahim NAIT OUMESMAR & Violetta ZUJOVIC’s team aims at providing better insight into the mechanisms of myelin plasticity and regeneration. Compelling evidences indicate that oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) sense neuronal activity and immune cells signaling, highlighting the importance of these crosstalk’s in (re)-myelination. Therefore, our research project will rely on three major aims to decipher:
  • The role of i)neuronal activity and ii) immune cells in oligodendrocyte differentiation, regeneration and myelin repair, unraveling their relevance in human oligodendrocyte differentiation;
  • To develop innovative tools to identify and assess the therapeutic value of new pro-myelinating compounds.
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Team “Motivation, brain and behavior”
équipe"Motivation, cerveau et comportement"
Team leader(s)
Mathias PESSIGLIONE DR, codirecteur, INSERM
Jean DAUNIZEAU CR, codirecteur, INSERM
Goal directed behavior, social, moral cognition, motivation Main domain: Cognition Mathias Pessiglione, Jean Daunizeau & Sébastien Bouret’s team aims to build a neuro-computational model of how the brain motivates behavior, which would explain irrational behaviors in the normal population, and motivational disorders in pathological conditions. Motivation is conceived as a cost-benefit arbitrage that drives the behavior. For more information
Team “Normal and abnormal motor control: movement disorders and experimental therapeutics”
Team leader(s)
Stephane LEHERICY MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP
Marie VIDAILHET MD, PU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP
Main domain: Neurophysiology Subdomain: Clinical & translational neurosciences Marie VIDAILHET & Stéphane LEHÉRICY’s team aims at further investigating network dysfunctions in movement and behavioral disorders using translational, neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and genetic/metabolic approaches from animals to patients. For more information
Team “Sensory Spinal Signaling ”
Equipe "Signalisation sensorielle spinale"
Team leader(s)
Spinal circuits underlying locomotion Main domain: Neurophysiology Subdomain : Molecular & cellular neuroscience   Claire Wyart’s team investigates the neuromodulatory pathways in the brain and spinal cord and their effects on locomotion and posture. The team is particularly interested in sensory feedback and the descending command that triggers locomotion in the hindbrain by projecting onto spinal circuits. For more information
Team “Genetics and development of nervous system tumors”
équipe Génétique et développement des tumeurs cérébrales"
Team leader(s)
Marc SANSON MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP
Brain tumors Main domain : Cellular & molecular neurosciences Subdomain :  Clinical & translational neurosciences

Emmanuelle Huillard & Marc Sanson’s team proposes to identify new mutations and biomarkers, and understand the development of brain tumors with four major aims:

  • To improve diagnosis and treatment by expanding their molecular database and feed new translational projects;
  • To characterize the function of newly identified mutations in gliomas by using the “mutation to function” pipeline successfully implemented by the team;
  • To characterize the cell intrinsic and environmental mechanisms governing brain tumor initiation and progression;
  • To develop new mouse and patient-derived models to identify actionable targets and new treatments.
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