Programmes for researchers, clinicians and paramedical staff

Programmes for researchers, clinicians and paramedical staff
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Programmes for researchers, clinicians and paramedical staff

Our training programmes for researchers harness the rapid evolution of neuroscience research and our ability to understand the brain. The programmes below are currently offered to all Institut du Cerveau – ICM staff. For more information please contact:

Scientific workshops series

The institute aims to strengthen local know-how through two internal funding opportunities:

Cannot training

These small awards fund the learning of new research techniques.

This training opportunity funds the travel of Institut du Cerveau – ICM staff (core facilities or teams) to national or international sites to learn new research techniques. It can also be used to cover the expenses of having an international researcher come to Institut du Cerveau – ICM to have them share their expertise. Applications are accepted throughout the year according to staff needs. * Available to Institut du Cerveau – ICM staff only.

Workshops and training

These small awards fund educational workshops focused scientific expertise.

The internal call for workshops/training proposals is made available to Institut du Cerveau – ICM staff annually. These collaborative workshop and training session proposals should provide future perspectives for the development or enhancement of Institut du Cerveau – ICM research projects. Proposals with a focus on cutting-edge technologies and/or on bridging the gap between basic and clinical research are supported. Applicants are encouraged to invite international scientists and technical specialists whose contribution to the selected field is substantial and whose complementary domain of expertise might pave the way to potential collaboration. Proposals for technical training workshops that promote collaboration for the institute’s platforms are also supported. * Available to Institut du Cerveau – ICM staff only.

Masterclasses in career development for researchers and clinicians

Masterclasses in career development for researchers and clinicians

Institut du Cerveau – ICM is home to some of the world’s best researchers and clinicians. We support their professional development through a series of internal training opportunities focused on topics such as leadership in the lab, grant writing, and the promotion of gender equality in science.

Communicating your research

This masterclass prepares early-stage researchers for some of the key presentations they will have to make.

Institut du Cerveau – ICM proposes the session Communicating Your Research to any researcher to wishes to polish the types of communication skills that are relevant to high-pressure presentations such as competitions for grants and entry-level faculty positions. Through a mix of presentations, discussions, and activities participants will sharpen their science communication skills in the context of preparing for a grant competition or faculty interview. * Available to Institut du Cerveau – ICM staff only.

Research excellence fellowships

Institut du Cerveau – ICM provides fellowships to fund exchanges for students and professionals. Find out more about our opportunities with participating institutions including MIT, Stanford, and Yale.

Our community is highly international. We believe that regardless of one’s academic path, people’s experiences are enriched by time spent in another country. Institut du Cerveau – ICM provides fellowships to do short internships abroad to share expertise with international institutions whose complementary domain of expertise might pave the way to potential collaborations. This programme allows either our staff to go abroad, or international students or collaborators to come to Institut du Cerveau – ICM. In collaboration with the Centre of Diseases of the Nervous System at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Institut du Cerveau – ICM facilitates specialized exchanges for junior doctors at world-class hospitals abroad. * Available to Institut du Cerveau – ICM staff and participating institutions only.

Yale-Institut du Cerveau – ICM clinicians exchange

Yale logo

This programme is made especially for clinicians who would like to learn about clinical work in another country. Candidates are required to provide their CV and cover letter.

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Paramedical upskilling courses

Dedicated to paramedical staff, this programme aims at promoting paramedical expertise and new approaches in research projects. New opportunities are currently being developed.