Two researchers from the Paris Brain Institute rewarded by the 2022 ERC

Event Published February 7 2023
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The European Research Council (ERC) has just published the list of the winners of the grants it is about to distribute. This year, two researchers from at the Paris Brain Institute have been distinguished.

The ERC funds exploratory research projects, at the frontiers of knowledge, in all fields of science and technology. The only selection criterion is scientific excellence.

Two Paris Brain Institute researchers awarded

Delphine OUDIETTE, INSERM researcher in the team “MOV’IT: MOVEMENT, INVESTIGATIONS, THERAPEUTICS. NORMAL AND ANORMAL MOVEMENT: PHYSIOPATHOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS” has obtained the support of the ERC* for her project “CREADOZE” on cognitive and neurophysiological processes characterizing the sleep onset period.

Sleep troubles -insomnia or excessive sleepiness- are a major public health issue. However, the way we fall asleep is poorly understood. Some gradual and dynamic changes are observed during the descent to sleep, on the behavioral (reduced responsiveness to stimuli), subjective (dream-like experiences called hypnagogia) and cognitive level (e.g. decline in executive functions, enhanced creativity).

Using high-density EEG, the project aims to understand how these markers fluctuate in relation to each other and to identify their brain signatures to better characterize the sleep onset period. The ultimate goal is to use neurofeedback to train individuals to control these markers to resist or embrace sleep according to their needs.


Stéphanie BAULAC, research director and head of the “GENETICS AND PHYSIOPATHOLOGY OF EPILEPSY” team, has received ERC support** for her project on the role of cell senescence in Focal Cortical Dysplasia (FCD), malformations of the developing brain leading to drug-resistant epilepsy in children.

In previous work, Stéphanie BAULAC’s team has shown that FCD is due to brain somatic mutations.

The objective of the project is to evaluate the potential benefit of senolytics, molecules specifically targeting senescent cells, in experimental models of the pathology. Then, the goal is to propose a precision therapeutic treatment that could also benefit children not eligible for epilepsy surgery.


“Congratulations to these brilliant scientists, who will continue their innovative and hopeful research to better understand the brain and the diseases that affect it. These two successes bring to 19 the number of projects supported by the ERC since the creation of the institute, testifying to the scientific quality of the research conducted there”, Prof. Alexis Brice, Director General of the Paris Brain Institute.


*Consolidator Grants: support for a researcher working on a scientific problem of excellence, exploratory, at the frontiers of knowledge.

** Proof of Concept Grants: to facilitate the exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of research results previously supported by the ERC.

Scientific teams

Equipe "Mov'It : Mouvement, Investigations, Thérapeutique. Mouvement normal et anormal : physiopathologie et thérapeutique expérimentale"
Team leader
Stephane LEHERICY MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP
Marie VIDAILHET MD, PU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP
Ganglions de la base, neurochirurgie, mouvements anormaux Domaine principal : Neurophysiologie Domaine secondaire : Neurosciences cliniques et translationnelles L’équipe Mov'it, dirigée par Marie VIDAILHET & Stéphane LEHERICY a pour objectif l’étude des dysfonctionnements des réseaux neuronaux dans les pathologies du mouvement et du comportement. L’approche de l’équipe repose sur la neuroimagerie, la neurophysiologie, la génétique et la métabolomique chez l’animal et l’humain.
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Equipe "Génétique et physiopathologie de l’épilepsie"
Team leader
Eric LEGUERN MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne Université/APHP
L’équipe "Génétique et physiopathologie de l’épilepsie", dirigée par Stéphanie BAULAC & Eric LEGUERN, s’intéresse aux épilepsies focales associées à la voie de signalisation mTOR, aux malformations du développement cortical liées à des mutations somatiques, aux encéphalopathies épileptiques et aux épilepsies généralisées génétiques.
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