The Institut du Cerveau – ICM has welcomed Henry Raker, founder of the Ferblanc Fundraising association on Monday, April 18th, 2016. British distinguished bicycle rider, Henry Raker came on a vélib’ to donate a cheque from FERBLANC FUNDRAISING in support to the Institute, in the presence of Pr Alexis Brice, Institut du Cerveau – ICM Managing Director.
The British association aims to achieve a bicycle ride around France by 2021. For their 5th step, travelling from Beziers to the town of Nice, 18 cyclists rode 300 miles in just 4 days.
Apart from the athletic feat, Ferblanc Fundraising’s very strong mobilization (its riders, partners and sponsors) has allowed this year to raise significant funds for research on diseases of the nervous system.
Their next challenge ? Reach Geneva from Nice in September 2017 ! Many thanks to Henry Raker and Ferblanc Fundraising for this loyal support.