Dystonia is characterised by intermittent or prolonged involuntary muscle contractions in one or more parts of the body, resulting in 'abnormal' body postures over the long term. The symptoms of this disease can be alleviated by various treatments, and the prognosis for patients remains favourable in most cases. No cognitive or intellectual deficits are generally associated with abnormal movements, but the motor disability may be the cause of psychological suffering and often leads to difficulties with social adaptation or anxiety disorders.
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How is dystonia diagnosed?

Dystonia is diagnosed mainly by clinical examination, i.e. observation of symptoms by the neurologist. Differential diagnosis is a real challenge, as dystonia is often mistaken for a symptom of other pathologies, which can be the case for focal dystonias.

If dystonia is suspected to be the consequence of another neurological disorder, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) can help make the diagnosis.

In the case of genetic dystonia, a genetic diagnosis may be necessary to guide the treatment of the dystonia.