There are no specific treatments for prion diseases. Multidisciplinary medical, psychological and social care is available.
Open / close summary

Medical care begins with the probable diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It covers the announcement of the probability of diagnosis, and the appointment of a referral person to monitor health and social care. Depending on how advanced their symptoms are, patients may be monitored at home, hospitalised or receive palliative care at home. In other cases, they may be admitted to a follow-up care unit or a health establishment. Treatments may be prescribed to alleviate the various symptoms and ease the patient’s day-to-day life.


Psychological care extends from the announcement of the probable diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease to the patient and his or her family, through to providing support throughout the course of the disease. Doctors, psychologists and associations are on the front line to provide the best possible support for patients and their families.


Social care is available to help patients with all the administrative formalities involved in covering the cost of their care, setting up a home support scheme, and obtaining tax and financial assistance.