
Previous page Stephane LEHERICY MD, PhD, PU-PH, Sorbonne University, AP-HP Team "Normal and abnormal motor control: movement disorders and experimental therapeutics"


Stéphane Lehéricy is Professor of Neuroradiology at the Pitié-Salpêtrière and director of the CENIR (Centre for NeuroImaging Research) in the Salpetriere hospital. He completed is PhD in basic neuroscience with Pr Yves Agid (INSERM U678, Paris) and his post-doc in functional neuroimaging at SHFJ-CEA in Orsay with Denis Le Bihan. He spent three years at the Centre for Magnetic Resonance Research / University of Minnesota (Pr Kamil Ugurbil). He is research active with PHRC, ANR and France Alzheimer programme grants. His scientific interest is in structural and functional brain mapping in the normal and pathological brain, including movement disorders and neurodegenerative dementias. His focus is on the functional organization of the normal human basal ganglia and movement disorders. He has contributed to the understanding of the functional and anatomical circuitry of the basal ganglia using fMRI and DTI.

Research work

Neuroimaging in humans, Parkinson and movement disorders.