
Previous page Sebastien BOURET DR, CNRS Team “Motivation, brain and behavior”


Since 2011, Sébastien Bouret is co-leader of the Motivation, Brain, and Behavior team at the ICM. He received a PhD in Neuroscience of the Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC). He did a post-doctoral training at the UPMC and one at NIMH/NIH at Bethesda (USA).

Research work

Neurophysiology and pharmacology in monkeys Our team aims at understanding the determinants of behavior (why we do what we do), in both normal and pathological conditions. To this aim we combine different scientific approaches: human cognitive neuroscience, experimental neurophysiology, and computational modeling. Our fundamental objective is to elucidate the brain mechanisms that form goals and translate them into particular behaviors. As clinical applications we develop tools that allow inferring predictive markers for a variety of psychiatric and neurological diseases in which motivation is deficient (as in apathy) or uncontrolled (as in impulsivity).