support Published July 10 2012
Open / close summary

On Monday 9th July 2012, in the premises of the Mother and Child Hospital in Limoges, with many personalities from the medical, political, economic and social world, Pr. Gérard Saillant, President of the Brain and Spine Institute (Institut du Cerveau – ICM), Hamid Siahmed, CEO of the University Hospital of Limoges and Hélène Pauliat, President of the University of Limoges and Limoges University Foundation partnership have signed the first convention in France associating Institut du Cerveau – ICM research teams in the Limousin region on research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and peripheral neuropathies.


region 1

This project of excellence in the Limousin region will be the starting point of a fundraising campaign at the service of research organized by the Institut du Cerveau – ICM Campaign Committee – Limousin Region under the responsibility of Michel Bernardaud, Institut du Cerveau – ICM Ambassador in region Limousin and Jean-Claude Boisdevésy, Institut du Cerveau – ICM Regional Delegate. This approach will be extended now to other regions on other topics of interest to neurosciences.