Sciences Published February 4 2020
The Charcot Library

The Charcot Library

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On the occasion of the Institut du Cerveau – ICM’s 10th anniversary, FOCUS on the Charcot Library !!!

The Institut du Cerveau – ICM has a historical legacy, illustrated by the presence within its walls of the Charcot Library (Sorbonne Université). It is named after Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893), a famous French neurologist and academician, considered the father of clinical neurology and founder, in 1880, of the Archives de neurologie(Neurology Archives).

The library contains 5000 volumes, hundreds of thesis compiled by Charcot in dummy collections, but also dozens of journals in French, English, German, and Italian.

In this library you will find the development of French medical literature in neurology. This library also abounds with many other medical, scientific, psychological and even religious subjects.

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