Apply for one of the two icm postdoctoral fellowships!

Research Published December 9 2016
Postdoctorant ICM
Open / close summary

The Institut du Cerveau – ICM launches a call for applications for two postdoctoral fellowships to be awarded to high-level international candidates for the year 2017-2018. Postdoctoral researchers and clinicians shall present their project including transdisciplinary research in neuroscience until the 15th January 2017.

The Institut du Cerveau – ICM launches this one-year fellowship programme to fund up to two postdoctoral researchers coming from diverse backgrounds (clinical and basic research in neuroscience, physics, social sciences, engineering, behavioural sciences, education sciences, humanities, law or management) to enter into interdisciplinary research in neuroscience.

These candidates coming from these diverse disciplines should be able to demonstrate the transferability of their research skills to neuroscience.

By integrating this programme, you will be able to join the Institute’s unique ecosystem consisting of a network of 650 researchers, engineers and laboratory technicians, high-tech platforms as well as access to patients on the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital campus.


Apply now for the Annual Postdoctoral Fellowship:

  • Closing date: 15th January 2017
  • Post to be filled in June 2017 at the latest


This call for applications is part of the Institut du Cerveau – ICM’s innovative programmes to promote excellence in education in the field of neurosciences and nervous system diseases, by providing a place of learning where interactions are transdisciplinary.

Since the creation of this programme in 2014, three fellowships have been awarded. Two transdisciplinary projects and one clinical research project were carried out by international candidates from Tunisia, Israel and Japan.