Annual report 2018

Event Published July 30 2019
Open / close summary

We have the pleasure to communicate herewith the 2018 Annual report of the Brain and Spine Institute.


This report renders all the activites performed by the Institut du Cerveau – ICM last year. You will notably find our highlights, the presentation of all the research teams that work together to understand and find novel treatments for disorders of the nervous system, our main scientific advances as well as the financial report and the communication events.


The year of 2018 has been rich from the successes of our teams at a national and international scale, with an always growing number of scientific publications and prestigious awards. The Institut du Cerveau – ICM is one of its kind, a place open to all. More than ever, we need to decompartmentalise, to develop creativity, to focus on cooperation and collaboration, and share our expertise. Thanks to this cohesion, we will be able to pursue the strong ambitions that are ours for the next few years.


We wish you a pleasant read.


Yours faithfully,


Pr. Alexis Brice, Director General of  the Institut du Cerveau – ICM.


> Annual report  2018